Baba Kamma - definizione. Che cos'è Baba Kamma
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Cosa (chi) è Baba Kamma - definizione

Baba Kamma; Baba Kama; Baba Ḳamma; B. Ḳ.; Bava Kama; Baba ḳamma; Baba kamma; B. K.; Bava kamma

Bava Kamma         
Bava Kamma (Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: Bāḇā Qammā 'The First Gate') is the first of a series of three Talmudic tractates in the order Nezikin ("Damages") that deal with civil matters such as damages and torts. The other two of these tractates are Bava Metzia ('The Middle Gate') and Bava Batra ('The Last Gate'): originally all three formed a single tractate called Nezikin, each "Bava" meaning "part" or "subdivision.
baba ganoush         
  • 230px
  • 230px
Baba ganouj; Babaghanoush; Babaganoush; Baba ganoush; Babaganouj; Babaghanouj; Baba ghanouj; Baba gannouj; Baba Ganoush; Baba ganoosh; Baba Ghannouj; Mutabal; Baba ghannouj; Baba ghanooj; Baba ghanoosh; Babaganooj; Babaganough; Moutabal; Baba Ghanoush; Babaganush; Baba ghannoug; Bābā ghanūj; Mutabbal; Israeli eggplant salad
[?b?:b. ga'nu:?]
(also baba ghanouj ga'nu:?)
¦ noun a thick dip made from pureed aubergines, tahini, lemon, and garlic, typical of eastern Mediterranean cuisine.
from Egyptian Arab., from Arab. baba, lit. 'father' + ghannu?j, perh. a personal name.
Baba Looey         
Baba Looey (Quick Draw McGraw)
Chuck McCann (Wake Up, America! LP (1965))Greg Berg (Hanna-Barbera's 50th: A Yabba Dabba Doo Celebration)Neil Ross (Fender Bender 500)Henry Polic II (Yo Yogi!


Bava Kamma

Bava Kamma (Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: בָּבָא קַמָּא, romanized: Bāḇā Qammā, lit. 'The First Gate') is the first of a series of three Talmudic tractates in the order Nezikin ("Damages") that deal with civil matters such as damages and torts. The other two of these tractates are Bava Metzia ('The Middle Gate') and Bava Batra ('The Last Gate'): originally all three formed a single tractate called Nezikin, each "Bava" meaning "part" or "subdivision." Bava Kamma discusses various forms of damage and the compensation owed for them.

Biblical laws dealing with the cases discussed in Bava Kamma are contained in the following passages: Exodus 21:18–19, and Exodus 21:24–22:5. The principle that underlies the legislation in this respect is expressed by the sentence, "He that kindled the fire shall surely make restitution". Exodus 22:5

Bava Kamma consists of ten chapters which may be grouped as follows: damage caused without criminality (chaps. 1-6); damage caused by a criminal act (chaps. 7-10).